Grave of British Soldiers at Meriam’s Corner

2000 Concord, MA

Battle Road Trail, Minute Man National Historical Park

Concord, MA

Meriam’s Corner (at the intersection of modern day Lexington Road and Old Bedford Road in Concord) is the western terminus of the Battle Road Trail. It was also the site of a bloody skirmish on April 19, 1775. When the British light infantry filed over a small bridge, Patriot forces opened fire, beginning the eight-hour running battle as the British forces retreated to Charlestown. There were several casualties, but at least two British soldiers were killed and buried on site.

The National Park Service erected granite markers at known British grave sites throughout Minute Man National Historical Park as part of the Battle Road Trail project in 2000.

This marker's inscription reads:

Near Here Is Buried
A British Soldier
April 19, 1775