Abner Hosmer Tombstone

1775 Acton, MA

Town Green, Main Street

Acton, MA
Image 1

Abner Hosmer was a minute man from Acton who fought and died at the Battle of Concord on April 19, 1775. Like the headstones of Isaac Davis and James Hayward, Hosmer’s headstone was relocated from his original burying place at Woodlawn Cemetery to its current location on Acton’s town common in 1851. Hosmer’s remains were reinterred within the Isaac Davis Monument.

The headstone reads:

Momento mori
Here lies the
Body of Mr Abner
Hosmer son of Deacon
Jonathan Hosmer &
Mrs. Martha his wife
who was killed in
Concord fight
April 19th 1775 In the
Defence of the just right
& Liberties of his Coun-
try being in the 21st
year of his age