In Memory of Cap. Isaac Davis
who was Slain in battle at
Concord April ye 19th 1775 In
the Defence of ye just rights
and Liberties of his Country
Civil & Religious. He was a loving
Husband a tender Father & a
kind Neighbour an Ingenious
Craftsman & Serviceable to
Mankind died in ye prime of
Life Aged 30 Years 1 m & 25 days
Now found on Acton’s town common at the base of a monument erected in his honor, this historic headstone once marked the spot in Woodlawn Cemetery where Captain Isaac Davis, a hero of the American Revolution, was originally laid to rest. It was moved to its current location in 1851, along with the remains of Captain Davis, Abner Hosmer, and James Hayward, which are now interred within the adjacent monument. The text on the tombstone reads:
In Memory of Cap. Isaac Davis
who was Slain in battle at
Concord April ye 19th 1775 In
the Defence of ye just rights
and Liberties of his Country
Civil & Religious. He was a loving
Husband a tender Father & a
kind Neighbour an Ingenious
Craftsman & Serviceable to
Mankind died in ye prime of
Life Aged 30 Years 1 m & 25 days
Following this fond remembrance is a selection from the King James Bible, specifically Job 7:1 and 9–10.